Louis XV’s Army (4)
Light Troops and Specialists

Osprey Men-At-Arms Series 308

Louis XV’s Army (4) – Light Troops and Specialists, Osprey Men-At-Arms Series 308.

The emergence of light troops at the time of Louis XV’s reign (1715–1774) is a sign of the search for better intelligence of the enemy and rapid tactical moves on battlefields. This fourth instalment of René Chartrand’s review of Louis XV’s army reveals an extraordinary variety of units, most now long forgotten, who had a dazzling assortment of uniforms, equipment and weapons, as is revealed by this interesting text and its numerous accompanying illustrations, which include eight full page colour plates by Eugène Lelièpvre.



  • Introduction
  • Hussars
  • Hussar Regiments
  • Light Troops
  • Generals, Staff and Specialist Officer
  • The Plates
    • Esterhazy Regiment, hussar 1735–43
    • Bercheny Regiment, officer, 1735
    • Bercheny Regiment, officer, 1720s
    • Versailles Regiment, hussar, c. 1716
    • Rattsky Regiment, c. 1720
    • Raugrave Regiment, hussar, c. 1752–56
    • Polleresky Regiment, hussar, c. 1744–46
    • Turpin Regiment, hussar, c. 1757–60
    • Beausobre Regiment, hussar, c. 1752–56
    • Linden Regiment, hussar, c. 1745
    • Fusiliers (Miquelets) de Montagne, private
    • Arquebusiers du Roussillon, private
    • Fusiliers de Montagne, private, 1740s
    • Compagnie franche de Kleinholdt-dragons, dragoon
    • Volontaires Bretons, hussar, 1746–49
    • Volontaires de Gschray, fusilier, 1747–59
    • Volontaires du Dauphiné, fusilier, 1746–63
    • Le Noble, fusilier and officer, c. 1734–44
    • Dumoulin, dragoon, 1738–45
    • Volontaires du Hainaut, private, 1757–62
    • Volontaires de Soubise, chasseur, 1762–63
    • Volontaires Étrangers de Clermont-Prince, dragoon, 1756–63
    • Volontaires de Saint-Victor, hussar, 1761–63
    • Volontaires de Flandre, dragoon, c. 1762
    • Aide de camp, 1756–1774
    • Lieutenant-General, 1744–1774
    • Maréchal de camp, 1744–1774
    • Prince of Conti’s Guards, trooper, 1740s
    • Commissaire ordonnateur, 1760s
    • Commissaire des guerres, 1746–1774
    • Engineer officer, 1732–44
    • Engineer officer, 1744–55
    • Engineer officer, 1758–63
    • Apprentice, field hospital, 1757–74
    • Surgeon, garrison hospital?
    • Surgeon-Major, La Sarre Regiment, pre-1757
    • Maréchaussée de Lorraine et Barrois, trooper, c. 1760
    • Maréchaussée de France, trooper, 1720–56
    • Canonniers de Lille, c. 1720
    • Strasbourg Bourgeois Militia, 2nd Cavalry Squadron, 1744
    • Metz Bourgeois Militia, Infantry, 1750s
  • Constabulary Corps
  • Bourgeois Militia
  • Select Bibliography

René Chartrands Buch über französische leichte Truppen des Siebenjährigen Krieges ist eine exzellente Quelle für Sammler und Wargamer, die Einheiten der leichten Infanterie und Reiterei für den Kleinen Krieg der französischen Rheinarmee aufstellen möchten. Viele der dargestellten Uniformen sind sehr attraktiv und dürfen in keiner Figurensammlung fehlen.

Bücher der Militärgeschichte