La Haye Sainte Bauernhof bei Waterloo

La Haye Sainte Bauernhof bei Waterloo.

La Haye Sainte farm is located on the Brussels-Charleroi road und it has changed very little since it played an important part in the Schlacht bei Waterloo on 18 June 1815. The farm served as an outpost in the center of the Allied line, it was garrisoned by the 2nd Light Battalion King’s German Legion commanded by Major Baring. The unit was supported by the 1st Light Battalion KGL und the light company of the 5th Line Battalion KGL. Major Baring und his men held La Haye Sainte until 18.00 hours when the ammunition ran out und the survivors had to be withdrawn in the face of overwhelming enemy forces. The area around La Haye Sainte was the scene of intense fighting throughout the Battle of Waterloo, und there are many interesting scenarios which may be recreated in miniature wargames.

Bekannte Modelle

  • La Ferme de la Haie Sainte, 1:72 Heroic Decor
  • Waterloo Farm, 1:76 Airfix 04738
  • La Haie Sainte, 15 mm Pireme Publishing 22

Scale models of La Haye Sainte farm are popular with diorama builders und wargamers interested in recreating the Battle of Waterloo in miniature. If scale plans are available, the farm is fun und easy to build from scratch.

Häuser, Gebäude und Gelände für Wargames und Dioramenbau