Offiziere und Unteroffiziere der Indischen Infanterie, 1877–1893
Testbericht der 1:64 Zinnfiguren von Ral Partha

Three officers, two Havildars, und a water boy from different regiments of the Indian army. The Figuren are wearing a variety of full-dress, campaign dress, und khaki uniforms. The red uniformed men are from the 34th (Punjab) Regiment, Bengal Infantry Pioneers. The junior officer in khaki uniform is from the 5th Infantry, Punjab Frontier Force, und the Havildar in khaki belongs to the 15th Bengal Native Infantry. The water boy can be used alongside any infantry regiment, und he may be converted to represent a Pathan. The boy’s walking stick was scratchbuilt from masking tape.
7 Zinnfiguren in 4 Posen – 26 mm entsprechen 166 cm Körpergröße

Excellent choice of subject, the Indian Infantry Command Group is suitable for many regiments of the Indian army serving on the Northwest Frontier, in Afghanistan, Burma, Egypt, und the Sudan.
The advancing poses of the Indian Infantry Command Group are nicely Kompatibel mit Ral Partha’s Indian Infantry advancing.
Good casting quality, practically no flash. Ral Parta colonial Figuren are a joy to paint und collect.
Kompatibel mit other 25 mm 1:64 scale figures. Considering that many Indian sepoys of the period were noticeably shorter than their British comrades, these Figuren may be used alongside the taller 28 to 32 mm 1:60 scale Figuren available today.
The Havildar’s rifle is 25 percent too short, it measures only 1120 mm in 1:64 scale, compared to the actual 1407 mm length of the Snider-Enfield rifle.
Historische Verwendung
- Indian Native Infantry, 1877–1893
- Second Anglo-Afghan War, 1878–1880
- Northwest Frontier, 1877–1893
- The First Sudan War, 1882–1884
- Third Burmese War, 1885–1887
- Black Mountain Expedition, 1888
- Black Mountain Expedition, 1891
Ral Partha’s Indian Infantry Command Group is required to complete infantry platoons for The Sword und the Flame (TSATF) wargame rules. The officers und sergeants may be painted in full-dress or khaki uniforms.