Knight Hack
Medieval Warfare 1000 to 1400 A.D.

Knight Hack originated more than 15 years ago. Since then it has been presented in demonstration games all along the east coast of the United States and Canada as well as on the west coast. With this wide exposure the rules have changed little in basic mechanisms, however, the changes are profound without the loss of the original historical flavour or desire to express history through miniature gaming.
The primary and most obvious difference is the D-10 system for mechanics. Not a big deal in itself, but it has proved to be easier for players to grasp and consequently speeds up play. The other and perhaps most important change is the predetermined unit creation through Q.R.S. (Quick Reference Sheets). This removes the necessity for the player to do a lot of unit design. Players can still easily build armies of their own, too. The third change is the dropping of the abstract and usually unsatisfying need to somehow create a clumsy relation between Li, Lmi, Hi, He, and Lc troop types with what actually existed. Somehow none of the armor or formation types ever really melded together very smoothly. Predetermined unit information resolves many of the inaccuracies of using the traditional method of creating armies. Each army list has its own specific Q.R.S. Consequently for good or bad I have lumped them together relying strictly on a figure per stand basis. It works for me and certainly works for those who have played in the many demonstratoin games.
Many of the ideas and ideals expressed here cross over established gaming traditions. I encourage players not to fight balanced armies which face off on a level playing field in relation to balanced armies in points (which really don’t work anyway) and in relation to the terrain surfaces the combative forces in miniature rush across. Seldom in history have armies been equal in composition, quality or size and certainly terrain seldom lends itself to be good ground for both combatants. It is the combination of selecting good ground and then maximizing the army’s ability to fight in specific terrain. The great leaders know how to gain good ground and then lead their army to victory against what often seemed to be an insurmountable enemy force. This is the real game and separates the historical gamer from the ordinary gamer. The rules using this perspective are different from any other. -- Philip J. Viverito
- Titel: Knight Hack, 3rd Edition
- Epoche: Mittelalter von 1000 bis 1400 A.D.
- Typ: Taktisches und operatives Simulationsspiel
- Zeitmaßstab: 1 Spielzug = 15 bis 20 Minuten
- Geländemaßstab: 1:1800 (1 Zoll = 150 Fuß)
- Truppenmaßstab: 1 Figur = 5 bis 200 Mann
- Basengröße: ähnlich De Bellis Antiquitatis, mit 60 oder 40 mm Frontbreite, und Varianten
- Autor: Philip J. Viverito
- Format: 62 Seiten, broschierte Ausgabe
- Sprache: Englisch
- Verlag: LMW Works, Tonawanda, NY
- ISBN: 1-8895-8419-3
- Publiziert: 2005
- Introduction
- Organizing, Stands, Battlefield, Scale, Stands & Leaders
- Commands, UV, Troops Types, Weapons & Figures Shooting
- Shooting & Melee Method, Set-Up, Table & Terrain
- Deployment, Victory, Turn Sequence & Markers
- Charge Declaration, Charge & Charge Response
- Knight Hack Examples
- Multiple Charges, Ambush, Shooting & Shooting Weapons
- Shields, Shooting Method, Templates, & Morale Test
- Morale Markers, Moving, Order, Formation & Rout
- Disorder, Melee, Shields, Risk to Leader & Winning Melee
- Losing Melee, Break Through, Break Off & Post Melee
- Pursuit, New Enemy, Leaving Table, Rout & Disorder
- Morale, Morale Test, Rally, Optional Rules, Knights
- The Battle, Feigned Flight & Shooting Special
- Light Cavalry, Mounting, Foot Formations & Bombards
- Obstacles, Wagons & Carracio & Other Scales
- Creating your own Units & Armies
- Siege Warfare
Quick Reference Charts and Markers
- Knight Hack Casualty Calculation Matrix
- Knight Hack Army Q.R.S.
- The Norse 1000 to 1100
- The Varagian & Russ 1000 to 1100
- The Irish 1000 to 1100
- The Anglo Saxons 1000 to 1100
- The Welsh 1000 to 1100
- The Scots 1000 to 1100
- The Normans 1000 to 1100
- Norman Italy 1000 to 1100
- Papal Italian 1000 to 1100
- France 1000 to 1100
- Christian Spain 1000 to 1100
- German Empire 1000 to 1100
- First Crusade 1096 to 1100
- Byzantines 1000 to 1100
- Moorish Spain 1000 to 1100
- Moslem Egypt 1000 to 1100
- Syrians 1000 to 1100
- Seljueq Turks 1000 to 1100
- Byzantines 1100 to 1200
- Swiss 1100 to 1400
- Flemings 1100 to 1400
- Scots 1100 to 1400
- Italian City States 1100 to 1400
- The English 1100 to 1300
- Crusader 1100 to 1300
- The Moslems 1100 to 1300
- Teutonic Order 1200 to 1400
- The Russ 1200 to 1400
- Byzantium 1200 to 1400
- German Empire 1200 to 1400
- Ottoman Turks 1300 to 1400
- The Mongols 1200 to 1400
- Mamluk Egyptian 1200 to 1400
- German Empire 1300 to 1400
- Hungary 1300 to 1400
- Hundred Years War English 1300 to 1400
- Hundred Years War French 1300 to 1400
- The Knights of Saint John 1300 to 1400
Knight Hack is designed for the historical gamer who seeks period specific historical miniature reenacting of Medieval battles. Knight Hack is designed for non-tournament battles and scenario games.