Tank Charts
Testbericht der Wargame-Spielregeln

Tank Charts was designed to allow players to see the defensive and offensive capabilities of their vehicles without having to refer to long lists of Figuren. The angle on every piece of steel plate on each and every Fahrzeug has been used in determining what the actual effective armour is in each location of a unit. Each penetration has been checked and re-checked both with those authorities which have published to date and by comparison analysis of the raw physical data of each shell; its muzzle velocity, shell type, shell weight, and much more. Suffice it to say that the laws of physics have been applied a great deal to this set of rules and, not suprisingly, the written histories of the various battels tend to support these laws, as they should.
All the weapon and Fahrzeug data the player will need is provided in a standard layout called the Tank Chart. Tank charts for nearly all the tanks and guns of the Second World War are provided at the back of the book. The author intended each player to have a copy of the appropriate tank chart for each Fahrzeug or weapon under his command during the game. In order to keep the price of this book within reasonable bounds, the charts have not been printed on separate cards. Therefore, the publisher grants permission to photocopy all the pages of tank charts. The chart for each weapon should be cut out and mounted on an index card, or laminated.
- Titel: Tank Charts
- Epoche: Zweiter Weltkrieg
- Typ: Tactical Skirmish Wargame at Company Level
- Zeitmaßstab: 1 turn = 20 seconds
- Geländemaßstab: 1:3935 (1 inch = 100 m)
- Truppenmaßstab: 1 figure = 1 man
- Basengröße: Einzelfiguren (1:76), oder fire team stands (1:300)
- Feuerwirkung pro Minute, auf 100 m Entfernung: (unmodifiziert)
- Schütze (Repetiergewehr): 1,4 Treffer
- Schütze (M1 Garand): 2,4 Treffer
- Schütze (StG 44): n.a.
- Leichtes MG: 2,4 Treffer
- Schweres MG: 5 Treffer
- Panzerdurchschlagsleistung:
- Sherman gegen Lingèvres-Panther: 40 % pro Spielzug
- Autor: Brian F. Stokes
- Format: 60-page rule book
- Sprache: Englisch
- Verlag: GHQ, Minneapolis, MN
- Publiziert: 1984
- Introduction
- Artillery Determination Phase
- Specific Search Phase
- Movement Determination Phase
- Movement Phase
- Observation on the Move Phase
- Infantry Fire Phase
- Infantry Anti-Tank Phase
- Tank & Anti-Tank Fire Phase
- General Observation Phase
- Tank & Anti-Tank Fire Phase II
- Morale Phase
- Airpower
- Cost Table
- Tank Charts
- Aircraft Data
Opportunity fire allows a unit to fire at an oncoming Fahrzeug prior to Fire Phase I, although a Fahrzeug with a better fire factor may return fire while moving, before the effect of the opportunity fire is calculated. During anti-tank fire the Angle Determination Tool is used to find the strike angle and hit location of an anti-tank round. Vehicles in hull-down positions, and small targets like dug-in anti-tank guns can be very difficult to hit with direct fire.
Penetration is Eliminiation
In Tank Charts games, vehicles are considered destroyed if the armour is penetrated, irrespective of the actual internal damage and crew morale effects resulting from a penetration. Other skirmish rules like Panzergranate provide an Internal Damage Table with pentration effects ranging from „no effect“ to „main gun damaged“ or „vehicle on fire, crew bails out“. In Panzergranate, an AFV crew checks morale every time the Fahrzeug is perforated by an anti-tank weapon, or if it is immobilized by damage or accident. AFV Crew Morale Test results may range from „carry on“ to „fall back to nearest cover“ or „abandon AFV, retreat on foot or surrender to nearest visible enemy“.
The Tank Charts wargame consists of 28 pages of rules, and 32 pages of detailed tank and aircraft charts covering American, British, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, and Russian equipment. Romanian vehicles like the Tacam T-60 tank-destroyer are not covered, but can be extrapolated from data covering the Soviet T-60 light tank, the superstructure of the German Panzerjäger Marder II, and the Soviet 76,2 mm L/54 ZIS-3 Anti-Tank Gun.