Warfare in the Age of Reason

Miniatures Rules for 18th Century Warfare

Warfare in the Age of Reason – Miniatures Rules for 18th Century Warfare.

Warfare in the Age of Reason is an easy to learn set of rules for 18th Century Warfare. Tactical, Campaign, and Siege sections that can be used together or separately let you refight battles from Marlborough to George Washington.

The Tactical rules use simple but in-depth mechanics to portray the fighting styles of the period. The elegant Campaign system is designed to keep bookkeeping chores to a minimum while allowing players to exercise grand strategy. Smooth translation rules from map to tabletop eliminate the friction that kills most campaigns. Finally, Warfare in the Age of Reason presents you with the siege challenges that Vauban once presented to the engineers and Marshals of the 18th Century.


  • Titel: Warfare in the Age of Reason
  • Epoche: 18. Jahrhundert
  • Typ: Operativ-taktische Gefechtssimulation
  • Zeitmaßstab: 1 Spielrunde = 30–60 Minuten
  • Geländemaßstab: 1:1800 (1 Zoll = 50 Yards)
  • Truppenmaßstab: 1 Figur = 50 Mann
  • Basengröße: 38 × 25 mm Stand für Infanterie (3 Figuren)
  • Schussweiten
    • Belagerungsgeschütz: 30″ = 1372 m
    • Schweres Geschütz: 20″ = 914 m
    • Mittleres Geschütz: 16″ = 732 m
    • Leichtes Geschütz: 9″ = 411 m
    • Flinte: 6″ = 274 m
    • Büchse: 8″ = 366 m
    • Bogen: 4″ = 183 m
  • Autor: Tod Kershner
  • Format: 104-seitiges Regelwerk
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Verlag: Emperor’s Press Ltd., Chicago, Illinois
  • Publiziert: 1992


  1. The Basics, 4 pages
  2. Set-Up and Victory, 3 pages
  3. Battle, 26 pages
  4. Special Rules, 3 pages
  5. Tactical Suggestions, 3 pages
  6. Army Lists, 22 pages
  7. Sport of Kings – Campaigning in the Age of Reason, 24 pages
  8. Siegecraft in the Age of Reason, 12 pages


  • Bibliography
  • Quick Reference
  • 56 × 44 cm Campaign Map
  • 4-page Quick Reference Chart

Withdrawal Factors

18th century armies were expensive to recruit, train, and maintain, and army commanders took great care not to squander their forces. Accordingly, Warfare in the Age of Reason employs a Withdrawal Check Procedure at the beginning of every game turn, to ensure that players do not fight to the last figure. As casualties mount, tactical objectives and flags are lost, an army is increasingly likely to be compelled to withdraw from the field of battle. The Sport of the Kings campaign system includes a battlefield terrain generation table with 72 different tactical map squares to fight over. These map squares include towns and villages, hills, crossroads, bridges, and other terrain objectives which are accounted for during the Withdrawal Check.

The army lists cover many pages, but are far from complete. The Prussian Seven Years’ War lists does not include lancers even though the Bosniak lancer regiment is shown in two of the nine colour photos on the cover. The lists do not specify how Prussian garrison infantry regiments might be rated, which served with the field army on many occasions. The player can only presume that the „Mercenary“ infantry rating may relate to Saxon infantry regiments taken into the Prussian army after the Saxon surrender near Pirna, in 1756, as well as the Prussian Freikorps units which included many foreign volunteers and former prisoners of war. Freikorps cavalry units are not rated specifically either, and the player may be inclined to rate the Freidragoner von Kleist like regular Prussian dragoons.

Warfare in the Age of Reason uses a basing system compatible with many Napoleonic wargame rules. Gunners are based individually and grouped around the gun model.

Sport of the Kings

The extensive campaign rules use a 56 × 44 cm strategic map featuring Europe, as well as the American and Indian colonies. Area movement is used to maneuvre troops from one state or region to another. When map areas are captured, they provide economic points which may be used to recruit and supply armies, or to build fortifications.


The siege warfare rules included in Warfare in the Age of Reason assist the player in drawing proper 18th century fortifications on a siege game map. Infantry and artillery stands are then placed on the fortress map and the game begins. The defender gains victory points for beating back assaults, capturing enemy troops, and prolonging the siege. He loses victory points when casualties are taken during tactical combat, when enemy troops enter the fortification, and bastions or ravelins are captured.

Spielregeln für Wargames