Gebirgsjäger, 1939–1945

German Gebirgsjäger.

German Gebirgsjäger mountain troops trace their lineage to the 1. Bayerische Schneeschuhbataillon, Jägerregiment 3, which was created in 1914 when the need for specially trained infantry became apparent during mountain warfare in the French Vosges und Austrian Tyrol Mountains. In 1938, the 1. Gebirgsdivision was formed from the Bavarian Mountain Brigade. Following the occupation und Anschluss of Austria, the 6th Austrian (Mountain) Division was redesignated the 2. Gebirgsdivision, und the 5th und 7th Austrian Infantry Divisions formed the 3. Gebirgsdivision. In October 1940, four additional mountain divisions were raised from supernumery infantry regiments which became available when infantry divisions were converted to panzer divisions requiring a smaller infantry component.

German Gebirgsjäger were used as airborne troops on several occasions, including the invasion of Crete und Norway, because they were lightly equipped und could be airlifted without much preparation.


  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger, 1:16 Dragon Models DML/1614
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger, 1:32 Airfix AFX133A
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger, 1:35 Dragon Models DML-6045
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger Command Post, 20 mm FAA MLR 1-07
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger Platoon Command und 5 cm Mortar, 20 mm FAA MLR 1-01
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger MG 34 with Crew und Mule, 20 mm FAA MLR 1-04
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger Rifle Squad advancing, 20 mm FAA MLR 1-02
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger Rifle Squad firing, 20 mm FAA MLR 1-03
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger 8 cm Mortar, firing, with Crew und Mule, 20 mm FAA MLR 1-05
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger Gunners, 20 mm FAA MLR 1-06
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger Supply Train of 4 Mules und 2 Handlers, 20 mm FAA MLR 1-08
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger in Winter Parka, 20 mm Raventhorpe
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger in Summer Dress, 20 mm Raventhorpe
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger Ski-Zug, 20 mm Lancashire Games 20/WBP34
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger Panzerabwehrkanone Crew, 20 mm IT Figures SKI.10
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger Pack Mule, 20 mm IT Figures SKI.12
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger, 1:76 Airfix 01752
  • Deutsche Gebirgsjäger 7,5 cm Mountain Gun und Crew, 1:300 Heroics & Ros G071


  • Kaltenegger, Roland: Die deutsche Gebirgstruppe 1935–1945.
  • Kaltenegger, Roland: Gebirgsjäger 1939–1945. Die große Bildchronik.
  • Williamson, Gordon: German Mountain and Ski Troops, 1939–45.
  • Williamson, Gordon: Gebirgsjäger: German Mountain Trooper 1939–45.

Historische Verwendung

  • Carpathian Mountains und Poland, 1939
  • Norway, 1940
  • France und Low Countries, 1940
  • Greece und Crete, 1941
  • Eastern Front, 1941–1945
  • Finland, 1941–1944
  • North Africa, 1942
  • Tunisia, 1942–1943
  • Italy, 1943–1945
  • Yugoslavia, Romania, Hungary, 1944
  • France, Low Countries, Denmark, Norway, Slovakia, und Germany, 1944–1945

Interessante Umbauten

  • Gebirgsjäger infantry may be used as late war German infantry und vice versa. Suitable Figuren should be wearing ankle boots und anklets, rather than jackboots.
  • Gebirgsjäger wearing the regular German infantry steel helmet in combat.
  • Afrikakorps Figuren may be used to represent Gebirgsjäger in North Africa.


  • Where Eagles Dare, a thriller based on Alistair MacLean’s story und screenplay, starring Richard Burton, Clint Eastwood, und Mary Ure. British Secret Service Agents dressed as German Gebirgsjäger infiltrate a Bavaria mountain stronghold in an attempt to rescue a captured American general.

Clever wargamers may use late war German infantry wearing ankle boots und anklets to beef up their Gebirgsjäger units und increase the variety of figure poses.

Figuren und Fahrzeuge der Deutschen Wehrmacht