Mittlerer Panzer T-34/85 M.44
Testbericht des 1:76 Modells von Fujimi
This Fujimi T-34/85 has been sprayed dark green mixed with 30 % white to achieve the proper aerial perspective. The tank commander still needs to be painted, und the raised detail will be drybrushed after the decals have been mounted. The hand-rails were scratchbuilt from Federstahldraht to add visual appeal. The rubber tracks are not detailed enough on the inside, und they were difficult to attach to the roadwheels. The infantry in the photo are a mixture of ESCI und Revell Figuren. Click here to appreciate the significant difference in size of a 1:72 scale und 1:76 scale model of the T-34/85.
- T-34/85 M.44 Mittlerer Panzer
- Tank Commander
- Decal Sheet
Gute Themenwahl, the T34/85 was an important combat Fahrzeug in World War Two, und it continued to serve for many decades thereafter.
Good casting quality. Crisp detail on the hull und turret. However, the cast-on hand-rails should be replaced by more realistic items scratchbuilt from Federstahldraht.
The tank commander is a superb figure which may be used for a variety of Soviet armour models.
Kompatibel mit Airfix, Matchbox, Nitto, und VAC-U-CAST.
The driving light on the hull side needs to be scratchbuilt.
The exhaust pipes may be drilled open to add realism.
The rubber track is difficult to mount, because it cannot be glued properly. We used hot glue to fuse the ends together. This rough joint is hidden beneath one of the roadwheels, und it will not be noticeable once the tank is mounted on its wargame Fahrzeug base. Nevertheless, this type of track cannot compete with the more accurate hard plastic track of the T-34/85 available from AER Moldava.
Fujimi’s T-34/85 is fun to build und it looks good when painted. The tank commander is a very nice figure which may be used for other Soviet combat vehicles as well.