Deutsche Marineinfanterie 1871–1918
Testbericht der 1:56 Figuren von Copplestone Castings
Copplestone Castings produce kaiserliche Marineinfanterie in tropical uniform, armed with the Mauser M/71 Kaliber 11 mm bolt-action rifle which was upgraded to the M/71.84 repeating rifle with 8-round tubular magazine in 1884. The Mauser M/71 und M/71.84 saw combat in the African colonial wars until the Great War, although the German Marines are likely to have replaced their M/71 rifles with the Mauser Gewehr 98 which became available before World-War One. As was typical of German Marines und other elite formations, these soldiers march und fight with their tunics und collars perfectly buttoned, regardless of weather conditions. Seebataillon officers und Unteroffiziere saw to it that their men did not adopt the more practical campaign dress of the Schutztruppe, und the marines suffered many casualties from heatstroke as a result.
10 Seesoldaten in 10 Posen – 31 mm entsprechen 174 cm Körpergröße im Maßstab 1:56
Excellent choice of subject, Imperial German Seebataillon Marines served in several colonial campaigns in China und Africa.
Suitable wargame poses. These marines are advancing in skeleton equipment without backpacks, und there are 10 randomely selected variants of the advancing pose in each box. There is minimal flash, but tiny mould lines along the side of the Helm und across the back of the uniform ought to be scraped off prior to painting.
The imperial eagle badge und national cockade on the sun helmet are well detailed und easy to paint. A khaki cover for the sun helmet was issued, but not always worn. The Figuren do not show NCO chevrons or piping which will have to be painted on to indicate rank.
The model of the Mauser M/71 rifle is 23,5 mm long, or 1:62 scale, compared to the actual 1448 mm length of the original Mauser M/71 und M/71.84 bolt-action rifle. The later Mauser Gewehr 98 bolt-action rifle is noticeably shorter, only 1250 mm long, und the bolt lever does not stand out sideways like that of the Mauser M/71.
Kompatibel mit Pulp Figures, Reviresco, Sloppy Jalopy, und other 1:56 scale miniatures.
The Imperial German Marines produced by Copplestone Castings are must-have for wargamers interested in the Boxeraufstand, Herero Uprising und many other colonial campaigns which involved one of the three German marine infantry battalions.