Scenarios for Wargames
by Charles Stewart Grant

For most people the introduction to wargaming, in its most elementary form, comes early in childhood. The initiator may be a relative or friend, the occasion a birthday or Christmas und the prerequisite a box of toy soldiers. The next step after a few parades und skirmishes is to find an opponent with some Figuren. Rules at this stage are basic to say the least und a marble or some such missile is usually the final arbitrator.
This somewhat typical introduction to „playing with soldiers“ apart, for most wargamers the first games are usually what may be called confrontation battles. The wargame table is usually a nondescript terrain und both players array their respective armies at opposite sides of the table on the base line. Each side is the same in unit types und strength (to ensure a fair und balanced game). The result is often determined by the side with most Figuren left or, but less often these days, the side with some Figuren left after a fight to the death battle. The next step is usually the selection of different armied but still providing a balanced game by selecting units on a points basis. In its simplest form this may be 1 point for each infantry unit, 2 points for a cavalry unit und 3 points for a Batterie of guns; each side being allowed to choose an army of say 10 points total. A more versatile und realistic system is that popularised by the Wargames Research Group Rules where points are allotted to types of Figuren in cavalry, infantry, etc.; the class of figure in terms of training und morale; the weapons und armaments as well as command structure. Armies can then be chosen up to a points value – say 1,200 points each. This begins to introduce the unexpected into the wargame. Now games are not fought to the death but more realistically, an army will retire if its percentage of casualties becomes unacceptable.
From these beginnings things will move rapidly as the wargamer becomes more adventurous. He may undertake the refighting of famous battles, indeed many of the unenlightened think that all wargamers spend their entire time trying to beat Wellington at Waterloo. While this of course is not the case, there is a wealth of wargame enjoyment to be found in refighting real battles, be they famous or less so. In this way the players begin to get a feel for the strategic background to a battle und undoubtedly start to think about wargames in a wider sense. Tactical considerations, as well as the strategic background, become important in such battles und wargamers begin to see how confrontation battles lack a realistic aim und objectives. As Clausewitz’s much used quotation says: „War is an extension of politics“ und the wargame should at least in part reflect this. The question then arises, „how can we introduce the tactical und strategic background into our own games?“
What is clearly missing is the social, political, economic und strategic background which would put the flesh on the confrontation battle und provide the raison d’etre for the action. The means to achieve this is the wargame campaign. For anyone who has participated in a wargame campaign, particularly if is has been well organised, there will be no doubt that this is the pinnacle of wargaming. The variations are infinite. One may have two or more countries, real or imaginary on a real or self made maps. The armies can be fictitious or otherwise. The whole thing can be as complex or as simple as the players wish. It can include personalities, economics, social background, resupply casualties, prisoners of war, spying, political intrigue und so on. Wargame campaigning is a fascinating und for many the most enthralling aspect of wargaming. For an insight into its many facets one can do no better than to read Tony Bath’s book Setting Up a Wargame Campaign.
All the depth of involvement has only one disadvantage; it takes a lot of time und effort. Time particularly is the enemy of the wargame campaign. Thirty days of campaign time, especially if postal players are involved can take from a few months to a whole year. This is one of the very serious drawbacks to wargame campaigning but one which regrettably precludes many from taking part und this denies them the opportunity to play many actions, little und large, which arise in wargame campaigns.
What is required is something which will bridge the gap between the confrontation game und the full blooded campaign. This means a wargame which can be played in the time frame of the former but with some of the strategic background, tactical mission und perhaps disparity of forces formed of the latter. The answer is a wargame scenario.
The aim of this book is to describe how to set up, organise und play a variety of individual actions any of which might occur in wargame campaigns. Each scenario will explain the nature of the operation involved, the background to it, the mission of each side with details of forces und any other constraints, the way the game should be organised und how victory may be determined. In this way it is hoped to provide a more realistic backdrop und purpose to confrontation wargames.
It is not the intention to provide an alternative to wargame campaigns, but perhaps a substitute; nor is it intended that it should replace confrontation wargames such as in wargame competitions. It is the intention only to provide a basis in the form of 52 scenarios, one for each week of the year if the wargamer has the time und inclination, for the wargamer to experiment with another facet of our extremely enjoyable hobby.
- Titel: Scenarios for Wargames
- Epoche: Antike bis Science-Fiction
- Typ: Compilation of Wargame Scenario
- Zeitmaßstab: n.a.
- Geländemaßstab: n.a.
- Truppenmaßstab: Einheiten
- Autor: Charles Stewart Grant
- Format: 132-page scenario book
- Sprache: Englisch
- Verlag: Wargames Research Group, Goring-by-Sea, England
- Publiziert: 1981
- Umpires, Organisers und Players
- On Maps
- The Layout
- The Scenarios
- Positional Defence (1)
- Positional Defence (2)
- Holding Action (1)
- Holding Action (2)
- Rear Guard (1)
- Rear Guard (2)
- Rear Slope
- Dead Ground
- Attack on a Camp
- Breakout
- Defence in Depth
- Flank Attack
- Last Stand
- Reinforcing a Town
- Reinforcements in Defence: (1) On the Table
- Reinforcements in Defence: (2) Off the Table
- Bridge Assault
- River Crossing
- Assault River Crossing
- Reserve Demolition
- Bridgehead Breakout
- Pontoon
- Railway Attack
- The Train
- Parachute Assault
- Helicopter Attack (Coup de Main)
- Airport
- Coastal Raid
- Raid from the Sea
- Ambush (1)
- Ambush (2)
- Convoy (1) – Wagon Train
- Convoy (2) – Evacuation
- Swampland Action
- Fighting in Built-up Areas
- Choke Point
- Défilé
- Rural Encounter
- Island Battle
- Dominant Hill
- Chance Encounter
- Advance Column
- Betrayal
- The Settlement
- Guerilla Skirmish
- Local Population
- Coup d’État
- Fire Support Base
- Ancient und Modern
- Horse und Foot
- Treasure Hunt
- The Raid
- Key to Map Symbols
- End Piece